Find out what is false and what is real appears.

Judith A. Parsons, MSW aka Indira, is a therapist, writer, seminar leader, and metaphysical teacher. She provides individual, couple, and family counseling by phone, internet, and in person. She is the author of the online email school, The Clear and Simple Way, as well as other online courses. She works in both the USA and Europe, and her online courses and counseling are available worldwide.


Judith Parsons, MSW aka Indira completed her graduate work in clinical therapy at SUNY Albany in N.Y. Her earliest memories are of longing to know God and the meaning of existence. This led her to explore many philosophies, religions, and spiritual paths, She  traveled and lived in India, immersing herself in meditation and eastern studies. 

A near-death experience shattered her concepts of the nature of reality and changed the course of her career. During this experience, a bright Light appeared to her, She knew this light held all love, all wisdom, and all compassion. She chose to go to the light, but was sent back to her earthly life by angelic beings. Her innate intuitive abilities expanded and she began  the work she now does.

Intuitive Counseling

Online Courses


Schedule a free initial consultation.

In an introductory conversation, we will discuss your concerns and answer any questions regarding methods, processes, and fees to determine what is right for you—one or more in-depth Intuitive Counseling Sessions, the School, Seminars, and/or other online Courses.

Inviting you Inward

The words are so simple it may be easy to miss their deeper meaning. Truth is like that—simple and easily missed. It’s the mind that is complicated. The mind takes a simple event and spins a myriad of stories around it, creating endless dramas. When we see what IS where is the complexity? Where is the confusion? Seeing and accepting. How clear. How simple.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
— author unknown
Free Gift: Spoken by I -Row Your Boat
Judith Indira Parsons, MSW

The journey of the heart is a journey of acquiring not more, but less. We do not take the journey to please the ego that always wants more of everything, but for the heart that is everything.

The outer journey is traveled with the mind. Traveling with the mind means learning a lot of useless things that are not true anyway and then living as though they are. Things of the mind pass away with time. Wisdom is older than time.

The wisdom of the heart cannot be learned; it can only be revealed. The wisdom of the heart arises as a deep inner knowing, a feeling, a conviction that cannot be disputed.

Ramesh Balsekar

Advaita Master

“I have known Judy for over 15 years. For all that time, she has had this gift of communicating with angels. The reading she gave to my nephew was remarkably accurate. While I cannot say what the angels say to her, I can say that what she says is utterly genuine.”

Bob Dorough

Pianist, Singer /Songwriter

“The Clear and Simple Way is deep and meaningful and learned and I am honored to be quoted therein. Of course, I will have to read it again (and again and . . . ?). One reading could not possibly show me its depth.”

Ursula Kannofsky

SwissBloom Flower Studio

“Indira and her School have been a part of my life for the last 10 years. Her wonderful teachings will change your life. I feel blessed that I've met her on my journey through life.”

Laurel Johnson

Midwest Book Review

"The Clear and Simple Way delivers as advertised. What the human mind sees as complex, angels know is clear and simple. These lessons evoke a sense of human worth as it is in God's eyes and ideally should be in ours. They transform the mind and energize the spirit. The upshot of Indira’s message is that we are not doomed to darkness and regret. Whatever happens may be turned to beautiful results!”

Dr. Henning von der Osten


“Written with love and clarity, the clear and simple way lessons bring us closer to the world of angels, while answering the questions of the heart. Worth reading and working with, not only for the spiritual seeker. I highly endorse The Clear and Simple Way and hope it will find widespread interest.”