I offer deeply compassionate counseling sessions which are both practical and spiritual. This offers you an opportunity to better understand yourself, your relationships, and deal more effectively with life.
We access information that may not be known to your conscious mind, but which hinders your path to the light and frustrates your attempts to do what is yours to do in this life.
Inner transformations leads to a happier, more peaceful life. What you are not aware of controls you. When you become aware of negative thought patterns, they begin to lose control over you.
Schedule a free initial consultation.
In an introductory conversation, we will discuss your concerns and I will gladly answer any questions regarding methods, processes, and fees.
Receive support and guidance from the comfort of your own space.
Experience face-to-face counseling from anywhere, fostering a sense of connection.
If you prefer a traditional in-office setting, I also offer in-person counseling.
Where did you receive your professional education?
I received my masters in Clinical Therapy at SUNY Albany in New York State, and did my undergraduate work at Fredonia State University.
What makes your counseling special and unique?
I combine my natural empathic and intuitive abilities with my professional education. This allows you to quickly receive and access information hidden from your conscious mind, and is much faster than traditional therapy.
Can you say more about this?
Sure. What’s important is to listen as you explain your situation, feelings, and problems. By listening, I hear what’s beyond the words. Listening also means knowing what questions to ask, what to say, so you can see your situation in a new way and gain clarity and understanding.
Where does your intuition come from?
Everyone has intuition. I was naturally gifted with an innate intuition from childhood, which increased greatly following a near-death experience (NDE). By now, everyone has heard of NDE’s—there are many books—but at the time, I really knew nothing about them.
I am nervous about telling my troubles to someone.
I understand, but no worries. I don’t take you anywhere you are not ready to go. We work together in an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. You can choose what you are ready to share,
What is asked of me?
Be as open as you can be. You can only receive what you are willing and ready to receive. Focus upon what is most important for you to bring to a session.
What experience did you have during your NDE?
The short answer is that when I left my body, I was met by two beings of Light, then lifted to another realm, where I met an angel. As the angel was talking to me, a brilliant Light appeared just beyond her. I wanted to go to the Light, but the angel sent me back to my life on earth. Once back in my body, a blue angel appeared, who stayed with me and protected me until I was safe.
So that’s when you began to use your intuitive abilities to work with people?
Exactly. The experience with the Light and the angels changed my life and the course of my career. I began working with people in a deeply spiritual way, able to access information beyond the mind.
You call yourself a spiritual teacher.
Well, I have to call myself something. I do teach—I have been writing and offering a spiritual email course for many years now. I give seminars. And counseling. Counseling is a form of teaching. You learn more about yourself. You learn practical ways to deal with life and live in the world. It’s spiritual to be practical. And others often refer to me as a spiritual teacher.
What is your spiritual understanding?
That’s a big story, since I have been on the earth for quite a long time now. I have been on a spiritual quest since childhood. My earliest memories are of trying to find out who I was, why I was here, what God was.
Awakening happens in layers. It’s a relief to finally realize there’s no place to “go” — nothing to get. Only something to see. I tried for so long to “get” enlightened — which was only an idea in my head — and kept me from the very understanding I was trying to reach. We can’t get to the mind’s idea of bliss or awakening — because it arises from something that is unreal.
Truth itself is clear and simple. Awakening is no more than stepping across an imaginary line into Reality. You are still here as a personality, a body. And yet — you aren’t here at all. You never were. It’s a kind of paradox. Everything changes, and yet nothing changes.